Jim is fighting to permanently block the LEAP pipeline that will steal our drinking water

Jim is fighting to permanently block the LEAP pipeline that will steal our drinking water
Posted on 6 June, 2024

As the LEAP pipeline project advances, it has become a significant concern for residents of Tippecanoe County. This issue is not just about water; it’s about the future of our community. In this post, we will explore the voices from Tippecanoe County and understand how the LEAP pipeline threatens our community. We will delve into the implications for our water resources, economy, and overall safety. Join us in this discussion and learn why Jim Schenke, a Republican from West Lafayette, is dedicated to stopping this pipeline to protect our community.

What is the LEAP Pipeline?

The LEAP pipeline is a massive infrastructure project intended to transport water from Tippecanoe County to the central region of Indiana. While this may seem like a technical issue, the impact on our local community is profound. The pipeline threatens to drain up to 3 billion gallons of our precious freshwater supply each month. This blog post will highlight the voices of Tippecanoe County residents and explain why this project is so contentious.

The Water Crisis: A Community Perspective

For many of us in Tippecanoe County, water is more than just a resource; it’s a lifeline. Our aquifers are a crucial part of our daily lives, providing water for drinking, agriculture, and industry. The LEAP pipeline poses a severe threat to this vital resource. Residents like Jane Doe, a local farmer, have voiced their concerns: “If we lose our water, we lose our livelihood. This pipeline could devastate our farms and homes.”

Economic Implications: Enriching Boone County at Our Expense

The LEAP pipeline is not just about water; it’s about money. Our tax dollars are funding an infrastructure project that will primarily benefit Boone County while leaving Tippecanoe County high and dry. John Smith, a small business owner in West Lafayette, shares his frustration: “Why should our community pay for a project that only enriches others? This pipeline is a blatant misuse of our taxes.”

Environmental Impact: The Hidden Dangers

Beyond the immediate loss of water, the LEAP pipeline poses long-term environmental risks. Water-consuming and polluting industries in the central region will significantly increase their impact on our environment. Environmental advocate Mary Johnson warns, “The pollution from these industries will not stay confined. It will affect our air, our soil, and ultimately our health.”

The Mayor’s Message: A Call to Action

The mayor of Lebanon’s comments have added fuel to the fire. His statements, urging us to view our water as a shared resource and to be more cooperative, have been met with strong resistance. Residents like Paul Anderson argue, “Our water is our right. We cannot allow external forces to dictate how we manage our resources. We need representatives who will fight for us.”

The Role of Education: Protecting Future Generations

Education is at the heart of our community, and the LEAP pipeline threatens the future of our children. Purdue University, a cornerstone of West Lafayette, relies on a stable water supply. Professor Susan Miller explains, “Without a reliable water source, our research and educational programs could suffer. We must protect our resources to ensure a bright future for our students.”

Health and Safety Concerns: A Growing Anxiety

Water safety is a critical issue that affects every resident. The potential contamination from increased industrial activity poses a significant health risk. Dr. Emily Brown, a local physician, highlights, “Contaminated water can lead to severe health problems, especially for children. We must prioritize the safety of our community over industrial profits.”

Community Voices: Personal Stories

Hearing directly from the residents of Tippecanoe County brings the issue to life. Maria Gonzalez, a mother of two, shares her story: “We moved here for the clean air and water. Now, we’re worried about our children’s future. This pipeline could change everything.”

Political Accountability: The Need for Strong Leadership

Political leadership plays a crucial role in this battle. Jim Schenke, a Republican candidate for Indiana State Representative, is a vocal opponent of the LEAP pipeline. He believes in strong, principled leadership that cannot be bought, bullied, or bamboozled. Jim’s commitment to common sense solutions resonates with many residents.

Jim Schenke’s Stand: A Common Sense Approach

Jim Schenke’s campaign is built on a foundation of common sense leadership. He argues, “We need representatives who will fight for our community’s rights, not those who will sell us out to the highest bidder. The LEAP pipeline is a clear example of why we need change.”

Engaging the Community: How You Can Help

Stopping the LEAP pipeline requires community action. Residents can get involved by attending town hall meetings, participating in protests, and supporting candidates who prioritize our community’s needs. Sarah Lee, a local activist, emphasizes, “Every voice counts. Together, we can make a difference.”

Alternative Solutions: What Can Be Done?

While the LEAP pipeline is a significant threat, there are alternative solutions. Investing in sustainable water management practices and promoting local industries that do not heavily rely on water resources are viable options. Environmental engineer Mark Wilson suggests, “We need to explore every alternative before committing to such a drastic measure. There are better ways to manage our resources.”

The Road Ahead: What’s Next?

The fight against the LEAP pipeline is far from over. With continued community support and strong political leadership, we can protect our resources and ensure a sustainable future for Tippecanoe County. Jim Schenke’s campaign is a beacon of hope for many residents, offering a path forward that prioritizes the needs of the community over industrial interests.

The LEAP pipeline threatens to drastically alter the landscape of Tippecanoe County, jeopardizing our water resources, health, and economic stability. However, with the right leadership and community action, we can stop this project and protect our future. Jim Schenke, a Republican from West Lafayette, is committed to this cause and needs your support. Join us in this fight by getting involved, spreading the word, and supporting candidates who prioritize our community’s needs.


If you have any questions or want to get involved, please reach out to us at (717)549-1522 or (765)337-3570 . Together, we can ensure that Tippecanoe County remains a safe, vibrant, and thriving community for generations to come.

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