Jim will fight to cut skyrocketing property tax

Jim will fight to cut skyrocketing property tax

Some Tippecanoe County voters are reporting a property tax increase as high as 28% over the past two years. That’s just one more significant burden for homeowners during an era when EVERYTHING seems to be skyrocketing in price. It’s particularly burdensome if you are on a low or moderate income, especially if it's fixed. Imagine working hard for 30 years to pay off a house mortgage and now in your senior years you have to constantly worry about losing the house because of tax bills.

Indiana’s calculation of property taxes based on perceived market value has to be reformed. Market value is theoretical. You don’t have more money in your pocket if your house market value goes up. The bank does not increase your mortgage payments when the market value goes up. The only entity profiting from this theoretical increase is the government.

Taxes should not increase faster than the rate of inflation (which is more than fast enough!). Multiple property tax reforms have been proposed. I will support the best one. If there's not one that's good enough, I’ll write it myself!

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